A Near Encounter with José Andrés & How to Help Western North Carolina
A Peek into My Kitchen + Your New Favorite Make Ahead Fall Dessert
Dear Friends,
It seems strange to just move on with life when so many have lost so much, but I also want to bring life to your table. The first Monday of each month I send out a special email to all my subscribers and this month is no exception, but before I move on to what I had planned for this month’s email (including an exclusive recipe), I would be remiss to not address the tragic events in the Eastern part of our country.
How We Can Help
For weeks, we had been looking forward to October 1st when we would hear José Andrés, world-renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen speak at a seminar at Texas Christian University. As we were discussing the upcoming evening last week, Kyle correctly assessed it probably would be canceled, but not because of flight schedules, as could be assumed.
Instead, it’s because Chef Andrés is feeding people. The love language for almost all chefs, myself included, he is, true to form providing the most basic need to those in North Carolina at the heart of the devastation.
So while we would have loved to have heard him speak, I am choosing to help him in his endeavors to feed those affected by this devastating storm and all the first responders.
Here’s how you can to plus a few other ways we can help:
World Central Kitchen - I’m giving a portion of my September earnings to Chef Andrés’ organization and you can click here to do the same.
Buy Gift Cards for Restaurants - For a practical way to give, check out this thread in Notes for restaurants in the Western North Carolina area that are accepting gift card payments over the phone to help cover free meals they are giving out.
Donations for Food and Beyond - The Hurricane Helene Relief Fund is taking care of any arising needs. This org is giving 100% of everything donated without taking out any administrative costs as is common with many other relief orgs.

September Recap
September was a whirlwind for us. We’ve decided to reinvent our lives in our late 50s and it’s really hitting with full force.
Family in town for Labor Day Weekend and ended the weekend with a hike on a state trail that was practically in our back yard! (We had no idea!)
Two soft opening sessions for
’s new wine and food pairing business White Lion Wine Experience plus two more sessions after that. (Photos above are of the setup before and a peek during class.) If you’re local to the DFW area (or we’re always open to traveling and bringing the experience with us) and want to know more you can go to his website and/or join his Facebook Page.A visit to Cherokee Lakes Farm to interview farmer Mariah for my new once a month series “Farmer to Table”.
I finally made
baguettes and they were great! She’s got a couple of GF doughnut recipes, too, including the one below in my Fall recipe roundup.Created 16 new Meal Plans for paid subscribers. The Sausage and Peppers Burgers shown in gallery above just being one of 16 new recipes. Did you know 90% of my meal plans are brand new recipes each week? (I’ve got unlimited brain space for food combinations apparently.)
We got a puppy! Sir Bentley is now running our household. If you’ve got a Shih Tzu and have some tips on taking back your place as Alpha, let us know.🤣
And ICYMI (“in case you missed it” for those not into acronyms)
Sent out my 8 Ways to Save Money & Eat Well guide
Sent out a Fall Reset PDF (it’s not too late to do it now…it’s 5 days and just real food, no potions or powders) just scroll to the bottom of the post to download.
Published (without fanfare or an email) my Shortcuts, Subs & Such - My favorite Real Food shortcuts, storing tips, subs for food allergies and more!
What’s Coming in October
This month, follow me on Notes and check your emails for:
The next installment in my “Farmer to Table” series with a recipe based on what’s growing on the farm at the moment.
Healthy alternatives to candy for Halloween - not apples or popcorn. Legit real food sweets!
BTS with a new business I’m about to start (it’s local, but going to be so, so fun!)
20 brand new meal plans with a focus on comfort foods and fall veggies
Take meal planning off your to-do list for less than $2 a week (even less with an annual subscription.)
In case you didn’t know, four brand new meal plans could be hitting your inbox each Thursday morning. You’ll get a neat little PDF ready to print or download on your tablet complete with recipes, shopping list and optional meal prep guide.
A Peek Into My Kitchen
Substack is it’s own ecosystem. If you haven’t fully discovered it yet, there are millions of authors writing/speaking/filming and other types of content creators doing their thing for our benefit. Once you’ve logged in, this world is your oyster!
Somehow I managed to forget to share this with you guys. But there is this wonderful resource on Substack called FoodStack Library. It’s the go to for recipes, food and a peek into chef’s kitchens including mine! Click below if you’re curious about my kitchen, a little back story on my career and what my favorite kitchen gadgets are.
This Month’s Exclusive Recipe
Download the PDF below
In 1998, we were sitting in a tiny restaurant in the the Montparnasse neighborhood of Paris. It’s not the type of place you would just happen upon. We had asked the knowledgeable Juan Sanchez, owner of La Dernière Goutte, a cute little wine shop in the 6th arrondissement, where we could go for the best dinner that was not touristy and he suggested it. Our little bit of French got us a reservation and we were the only English speaking guests.
The two older women sitting next to us ordered a dessert and we noticed the were all but licking the shallow dishes. Had we been in the US, we would have said, “I’ll have what she’s having!”, but since we were being tolerated in a French only restaurant by being on our best behavior, I asked the waiter (again in halting French) what it was and he replied “Crème Brulée.” Though I had never like anything custard related, we had to try it. We were stunned at how it tasted so creamy, sweet and even slightly bitter from the burned sugar prompting me to figure out how to make it upon returning home.
Sidenote, I also had the most amazing dinner of seared tuna and sauteed cucumbers that same night. I have never forgotten that meal, nor have I ever made sauteed cucumbers on my own.
I discovered it’s only a handful of inredients and so VERY easy to make so I began to play with the recipe over the years. I came up with this Fall variation many years ago and have yet to publish it until today. It would be a perfect make ahead option for Thanksgiving.
Crème Brûlée is my absolute favourite dessert. Also so versatile to add so many flavours. I am so trying this one.
Oh my gosh gorgeous GF Baguettes!! Also, this is a creme brulee recipe I'm definitely making soon!!